Oil Tank Vapor Recovery - Model BA

Vapor recovery unit used during processing of oil and gas. The Model BA Vapor Recovery System is mounted on a 4' x 8' skid. The processing tower is connected to the storage tank vent system. The unit is mounted on a skid, completely factory assembled, tested prior to shipment, and comes with all required equipment, including instrumentation, piping, and electrical components. Operation is simple – a single switch activates the automatic startup, operation, and shutdown of the unit.


Two variables determine whether a gas stream economically qualifies for liquids recovery:

(1) the rate of flow of the vapors; and
(2) its composition.

The following are estimates of the amount of liquids recoverable from vapors:

3000 24
2000 12
1500 5
1300 3


The Model BA is a portable, miniature gas liquids recovery processing plant designed to liquefy up to 98% of vented C3+ hydrocarbon vapors. The system is designed to process 10,000 - 100,000 scf/day of gas at atmospheric inlet pressure. No compression is required.

Available in these models:

BA-15 0-15 MCF/D
BA-25 15-25 MCF/D
BA-50 25-50 MCF/D
BA-100 50-100 MCF/D

For additional capacity, the Model BA Units can be connected in parallel. The portability of the Model BA allows it to be easily moved to another site in only hours.

PETROGAS also has available Refrigeration, Turbo expander, and Absorption Systems to 5,000,000 scfd capacities.


The tanks come ready for use. Air-tight sealed tanks are not required. The system can usually be installed in only a few hours. Installation requires unloading of the unit and setting it on a level, stable site.

The system is designed to structurally support the unit and equally distribute the weight of the skid components. No piers or special foundations are required.

Installation requires the upper section of the towers (removed for shipment) to be remounted, as well as a vapor inlet line from the storage tank vent system to be connected to a line to the recovered product storage tank. Purchaser will need to provide 220/1/60, 200 amp electricity to the control panel.


PETROGAS factory-trained technicians are able to supervise the installation, initial start-up, adjustment of the equipment, and the training of the operators, as well as provide full maintenance of the system, at an additional cost.

The simple design of the Model BA lets the system be easily operated and results in low maintenance and high reliability.